Thursday 9 January 2014

Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club

Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club is a series about four boys, Haruka, Makoto, Nagisa and Rin, childhood friends who used to belong to the same swimming club.

Shortly before graduating elementary school the boys participated in a relay race together during a swimming tournament after which Rin moved away and the boys parted ways. Years later, when the boys are in high school, they stumble upon Rin who has now returned to Japan and is attending another school. In order to swim with Rin again Nagisa, Makoto and Haruka decide to form the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club, they are joined by another boy named Rei and Rin's younger sister Gao and together they begin to pursue their dream. Will the boys be able to swim together with Rin again? And what is really lurking beneath the surface?

The plot is decent although the end is somewhat predictable (then again, this is a school life anime so I didn't really expect anything different), the characters are lovable, as bishounen boys should be, and overall it's a decent show. It has to be said though that the main purpose of this show is not the intricate plot or the character development - it's the fanservice, and this show provides fanservice on the highest level for everyone out there with a thing for bishounen boys (and muscles, just look at those lines...)

This was the perfect anime for a break from all the Naruto drama, easy going, fun, and eyecandy galore which earns it 4 out of 5 otakus.
If you wish to read more about the show you can head here or here.

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