Sunday 12 January 2014

Ino x Boku S.S.

The Maison de Ayakashi aka Ayakashi Kan, is rumored to be a residence for the rich and famous, the elite of society, it is protected with the highest security and every tenant is bestowed a personal bodyguard. In reality though it is a place for humans with non-human ancestors to live and the secuirty is not there to protect anyones wealth, it's there to protect the residents from more powerful monsters.

In an attempt to improve herself the socially-inept Ririchiyo moves in to the Ayakashi. Her plan is to spend some time alone until she feels capable handling interactions with other people without ending up insulting them by putting up her usual front, because of this she has also said no to having a personal bodyguard but upon entering the Ayakashi she is met by Soushi, a member of the Secret Service, who requests that she lets him be her "dog".

Ino x Boku S.S. is a decent show but it didn't really captivate me, it wasn't until the second to last episode that it really made me feel something (but then I really felt something, so much so that I had to re-watch the last bit of it). I think it might be due to the lack of a cohesive plot line, it gave me a hard time staying focused because with so much going on in every episode the end result was a series that felt a bit hastily put together, almost sloppy. Even given that the series is about the developing relationships between the tenants I still think it would have benefited from a more coherent plot.

Despite (or maybe owing it to) humour and bishounen galore this show only gets 3 out of 5 otakus.

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