Sunday 12 January 2014

Kamisama Hajimemashita

Kamisama Hajimemashita, or Kamisama Kiss as it is called in English, is a romatnic comedy about a girl who, after being abandoned by her indebted father and evicted from her apartment, finds herself as the heir to a rundown shrine.

After being both abandoned and evicted Nanami finds herself alone in a park late at night. There she meets Mikage, a strange man who is terrified of dogs, and ends up telling him about her misfortunes. Mikage then surprises her by saying she can have his house as a thank you for rescuing him from a dog and since she has nowhere else to go, Nanami accepts, she is given a map and after following it she finds herself standing in front of a rundown shrine. Thinking it must be a joke but that she doesn't have any other options Nanami enters the shrine where she meets Kotetsu, Onikiri and Tomoe, the shrine guardians, and finds out that not only was she given a shrine, she awas also appointed the new earth deity of said shrine. The story then follows the life of Nanami and the shrine guardians and how their relationships develop through ups and downs.

With a good ratio between love, humour and character development this is a really good show if you are into the typical anime-love-series. Despite the plot being a tad on the weak side (which was expected) this is one of those series that really tug at your heartstrings, not because it is sad but because it's just that little bit too perfect. It gives you the perfect amount of butterflies and with only thirteen episodes it leaves you wanting more. It also has the perfect tsundere bishounen (who also happens to be supernatural beings) for the fangirls to dream about.

This show pretty much killed my heart with longing for that perfect butterfly scenario but other than that (or maybe because of that?) I really enjoyed it so I give it 4 out of 5 otakus.

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